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UAW Recants on Ford Hiring Strike Breakers If Pact Fails

by News on October 14, 2011

in State and Local, Union Contracting Privileges

By Keith Naughton/Bloomberg

The United Auto Workers recanted a Facebook Post it made yesterday saying Ford Motor Co. will hire replacement workers if union members reject a proposed four-year contract.

The UAW didn’t take back comments attributed to Vice President Jimmy Settles, the union’s lead Ford negotiator, that a strike would be called if workers reject the tentative agreement reached Oct. 4 with Ford. Workers at Ford factories in Chicago and Wayne, Michigan, have voted against the deal this week. The ratification vote concludes Oct. 18.

“To clarify an earlier post: Vice President Settles has never said that Ford will hire scab laborers,” the UAW Ford Department said in a post late yesterday. “There was a post that erroneously said that earlier.”


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