What Right-to-Work means for Michigan
On March 28, 2013, Michigan became the 24th right-to-work state in the nation. Soon most workers in Michigan will enjoy the same freedom as those workers in 23 other states that may choose whether to financially support a union or not.
Michigan can look forward to more and better jobs: Right-to-work states typically enjoy higher wage growth, higher employment growth, lower unemployment and, when cost of living is factored into the equation, higher income.
Collective bargaining is almost exactly the same in right-to-work states as non-right-to-work states. Workers and unions still bargain over wages, hours and working conditions. The only difference in collective bargaining is that in a right-to-work state a worker cannot be fired for refusing to financially support a union.
This website is dedicated to answering questions on right-to-work and the effect it has on Michigan’s economy and workers. You can learn about what right-to-work means on the “Why Right-to-Work is Important” page and, if you are currently represented by a union and would like to exercise your rights, you can fill out a simple questionnaire here which will allow you to create a letter to send to your union.
The material on this website, including any forms, letters, or statements, is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
Please consult an attorney about your specific situation.
© 2017 Mackinac Center for Public Policy Phone: 989-631-0900