Unions lend muscle, resources to Wall St. protests

by News on October 6, 2011

in State and Local, Union Politics and Transparency

By Cristian Salazar and Karen Zraick/myway.com

Unions lent their muscle to the long-running protest against Wall Street and economic inequality Wednesday, fueling speculation about how long the camp-out in lower Manhattan – and related demonstrations around the country – will continue.

Thousands of protesters, including many in union T-shirts, filled lower Manhattan’s Foley Square on Wednesday and then marched to Zuccotti Park, where the protesters have been camping since Sept. 17. Labor leaders say they will continue to support the protests, both with manpower and donations of goods and services.

“The great thing about Occupy Wall Street is that they have brought the focus of the entire country on the middle class majority,” said George Aldro, 62, a member of Local 2325 of the United Auto Workers, as he carried the union’s blue flag over his shoulder through lower Manhattan.

“We’re in it together, and we’re in it for the long haul.”


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