Speedy Union Elections by NLRB Curbed by Republican Measure

by News on October 6, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Pro Worker Legislation

By Stephanie Armour/Bloomberg Businessweek

Speedier union elections proposed by the National Labor Relations Board would be curbed by legislation from Representative John Kline, a Minnesota Republican who leads the committee that oversees labor policy.

Votes by employees to form a union couldn’t be conducted held until at least 35 days after an election is requested, Kline, chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, said today. The board’s Republican said the proposal will force votes in 10 to 21 days, giving companies less time to talk with workers.

“You want employees to have time to hear both sides,” Kline said today during at a meeting with reporters in Washington. “The legislation says you have to wait at least 35 days before an election.”


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