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Battleground Ohio: John Kasich’s Collective Bargaining Reform Goes Down

by News on December 2, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, State and Local, Union Politics and Transparency

By James Antle/Capital Research Center

Upon taking office in 2005, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels identified the power of state employees’ unions as a root cause of his state’s fiscal woes. Daniels issued an executive order ending collective bargaining with the public employee unions on his first day as governor.

“Collective-bargaining rights have made government virtually unmanageable,” wrote Philip K. Howard in the Wall Street Journal. “Promotions, reassignments and layoffs are dictated by rigid rules, without any opportunity for managerial judgment.” Public union leaders end up sitting across the bargaining table from the politicians they help elect, and together they grow government – and the government employees’ salaries, benefits, and pensions.

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