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CPS to overhaul 10 ‘worst performing’ schools; union protests

by News on November 29, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, State and Local, Union Politics and Transparency

By Greg Hinz/

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s new schools team has decided to close and restructure a record 10 schools next year in a process in which students will stay where they are but entire school staffs will be replaced.

Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard is announcing Tuesday morning that eight grade schools and two high schools will be made “turnaround” schools in the 2012-13 school year, eligible to get not only new teachers and principals but millions of dollars in extra funding each.

The 10 schools all are located on the West or South sides, and according to the district are “some of the city’s worst-performing,” with one high school having a graduation rate of just 40% and all of them on academic probation for at least five years.

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