Representative Miller Weighs In On Potential Hayes Resignation

by Russ Brown on November 28, 2011

in Surveys and Reports, Union Politics and Transparency

Labor Relations Institute

We’ve been reporting on the nasty letter exchange between Board Members Hayes and Pearce over the last week. Now Representative George Miller, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, has decided to get in the act (click the link or the letter to the right to download the full letter from Representative Miller).

Miller’s letter accuses Member Hayes of receiving improper influence and “enticements” from “special interest organizations” (like conservative bloggers and Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina). It would be interesting to see a similar request made of Members Pearce and Becker about any conversations they have had with representatives of labor unions or politicians about how to jam through the NLRB ambush election rule.

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