State-level collective bargaining reform: Idaho’s success came without the press

by News on November 9, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation

By Tina Korbe/

Allah warned us yesterday that Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s collective bargaining bill appears to be headed for defeat today — but if you’d rather not start drinking early tonight, dwell on this instead. In Idaho, with far less fanfare, state leaders have successfully implemented a series of important reforms. Robert Bluey and Brandon Stewart report:

The plan, called Students Come First, returns control to local communities. Like other states, it makes changes to collective bargaining for teachers, but goes a step further by eliminating tenure and seniority. It also include[s] a pay-for-performance option to reward teachers. Technology is a major factor in the reform with the goal of giving every student a laptop.

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