The Democratic National Convention: How the DNC plans to circumvent North Carolina’s right-to-work status

by News on November 8, 2011

in State and Local, Union Politics and Transparency

By Tina Korbe/

Big Labor has been a significant part of the Democratic coalition since — oh, I don’t know — the birth of Big Labor. So, it must have come as a shock to the union bosses who’ve fought unusually furiously for “middle class principles” in one of this year’s biggest political battles — the state-by-state fight to reduce state employee pensions and other benefits — when the Democratic National Committee selected a prominent city in a right-to-work state as the seat of the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

No matter, though: Democrats had a plan. Led by Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx (“a Democrat with close ties to Obama,” The Daily Caller calls him), they would simultaneously feast on Charlotte’s nonexistent barbecue and roll in out-of-state union workers to replace local non-union workers. Ideally, they would do it undetected, so nobody in Charlotte would feel affronted and union bosses would be secretly pleased.

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