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The Real Class War: Jimmy Hoffa, Ohio Union Bosses Won’t Lower Dues to Help Workers

by News on November 3, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Christian Hartstock/Big Government

In Ohio, as union bosses have embraced Occupy Wall Street’s (OWS) class war between the “99 percent” and the “1 percent,” it has becomes increasingly difficult not to ask an obvious question:

Aren’t union bosses basically the 1 percent?

Throughout the run-up to Ohio’s Issue 2 election on November 8, in which voters will consider a referendum on the state’s new public sector labor reforms, I’ve met pponents of the bill at Occupy Columbus who say they are fed up with “the rich taking from the middle class.” They direct their class warfare energies at the abstract Wall Street anathema, but the scenario is literally accurate–and not in some obtuse, Marxist form–as a description of the fiscal dynamic between union bosses and rank-and-file members.

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