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BOMBSHELL: Employees Have ‘No confidence’ in Ohio Teachers’ Union Boss

by News on November 2, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Jason Hart/Big Government

There’s something union front We Are Ohio doesn’t want you to know about their largest donor, the Ohio Education Association: OEA has such a history of internal strife, it’s obvious OEA bosses are awful negotiators. This is a tiny problem for people who siphon millions from teachers on the strength of their negotiating skills, don’t you think?

I’ve covered in depth the unlovely things OEA staff have said about union bosses, but they pale compared to this:

The 110 member Professional Staff Union (PSU) has voted overwhelmingly “…to declare a lack of confidence in the Executive Director of the Ohio Education Association to lead the professional staff or to implement the program of the Ohio Education Association effectively.

Emphasis in the May 31, 2010 original (view as PDF), which I printed from an official OEA staff blogbefore it vanished from public view weeks after I began sharing quotes. Coincidence!

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