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Union Bosses Banking Big Salaries Compared To Members

by News on October 31, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, State and Local, Union Contracting Privileges

By Aaron Saykin/wgrz.com

These may be tough  times for teachers, but not for some of their union bosses. Recent tax returns, confirmed by the state’s largest teachers union, reveal just how much its president and his fellow officers are making per year.

According to a published report confirmed by New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), its President, Richard Iannuzzi, was paid a salary of $240,180 in 2009. With benefits, his total compensation was $345,987. At least four other NYSUT officers reportedly earned  above $200,000 with total compensation close to, or above, $300,000.

NYSUT, a union with more than 600,000 members and a $200 million budget, also reportedly added 55 staffers in 2009. All of it is paid for by teacher’s union dues.

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