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Issue 2 mudslinging doesn’t help unions, state, voters

by News on October 31, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Joe Payne/

As the Nov. 8 election draws near, the rhetoric between the proponents and opponents of Issue 2 increases in intensity while objectivity seems to diminish proportionately.

Rather than casting aspersions and assigning blame for how the State of Ohio and many of the underlying local governments came to this economic and political juncture, there is perhaps more to gain by simply acknowledging the realities of the situation.

First, the public-sector unions are not at fault for gaining as many pay, benefits, and operational concessions as possible; that is what they are paid to do. Likewise, elected officials and their administrations are, for the most part, only responding to incentives that are perfectly natural in this perverse relationship between public-sector management and the unions.

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