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Democratic Governors Association Writes $150,000 Check For Anti-Union Law Repeal

by News on October 28, 2011

in Government Employee Unions, Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Sam Stein/The Huffington Post

Banking on a backlash to the anti-union campaigns spearheaded by Republican governors, the Democratic Governors Association announced on Thursday that it was making a $150,000 contribution to the union-led “We Are Ohio” coalition.

The money is designed to support efforts to repeal Gov. John Kasich’s controversial Senate Bill 5, which limits collective bargaining for state public employees and is facing a referendum vote in less than two weeks.

“Governor Martin O’Malley and his colleagues in the DGA have always appreciated the contributions that the men and women of organized labor have made to our nation,” the letter, written by DGA executive director Colm O’Comartun and addressed to the AFL-CIO and Change to Win unions, reads. “To that end, we recognize that the repeal of SB 5 in Ohio is ground zero in the fight to protect the rights of workers. Republican Governor John Kasich and his allies in Mitt Romney and Rick Perry may have waged war against organized labor, but rest assured that we stand firmly with you in this fight.”

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