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Obama Board Restricts Workers’ Right to a Secret Ballot Election

by News on October 19, 2011

in Federal Legislation

Education & the Workforce Committee

A worker’s right to a secret ballot union election is once again under attack from President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

In its recent Lamons Gasket decision, the NLRB reversed a 2007 holding that provided workers 45 days to request a secret ballot election if their employer decided to voluntarily recognize union representation. Workers may now have to wait up to four years to cast a ballot to challenge union representation. Adding insult to injury, the decision is retroactive, applicable to all elections that had been held or were scheduled.

Ms. Barbara Ivey witnessed firsthand the impact of this assault on workers’ rights when a secret ballot union election was abruptly cancelled in her workplace. In today’s Washington Examiner, Ms. Ivey describes this experience, and explains how Lamons Gasket will affect workers nationwide:


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