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Ohio: Issue 2, Collective Bargaining and the Moral High Ground

by News on October 18, 2011

in Pro Worker Legislation, State and Local, State Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Kevin Holtsberry/Redstate.com

As you may know, there is a critically important issue being debated here in Ohio that has long term implications for politics, public policy and the health of Ohio’s economy.

Issue 2 is a result of a union led attempt to repeal Senate Bill 5 – legislation which brought much needed reform to Ohio’s collective bargaining laws.  A yes vote allows these important reforms to go into effect which will give much needed flexibility to government at all levels and will remove barriers to merit based management.

But this will not be a detailed and technical examination of the law and its impact. Instead, what I want to do is highlight the fundamentally deceptive and anti-democratic and anti-republican (small r) nature of the opposition forces.

The fundamental problem for the unions is that the vast majority of Ohioans are not members of unions and, as taxpayers, support effective and efficient government.  In a fast paced information based world, and with budgets as tight as they have ever been, this means breaking up the stranglehold unions have had on government.


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