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‘Rogue’ NLRB Defied Subpoena by Withholding Documents, Issa Says

by News on October 18, 2011

in Union Politics and Transparency

By Holly Rosenkrantz/Bloomberg

The National Labor Relations Board’s acting general counsel, Lafe Solomon, broke the law by intentionally withholding documents about Boeing Co. (BA), Representative Darrel Issa said.

“Your continued personal obstruction, lack of compliance with a validly issued congressional subpoena and false statements to the committee are unacceptable,” Issa said today in a letter to Solomon. “The NLRB is acting as a rogue agency that believes it does not have to fully answer to Congress.”

Issa, a California Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, requested that six NLRB employees submit to transcribed interviews for his investigative panel.


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