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$58-an-Hour UAW Workers Kill $16K Ford Bonus as Stingy

by News on October 12, 2011

in Union Politics and Transparency

By John Ransom/Townhall.com

As the UAW rank-and-file continues to vote on the contract offer hammered out between management and UAW honchos, the Detroit Free Press reports that at least one local has rejected the offer, even though it includes a $6,000 cash bonus, a $3,700 profit sharing bonus and at least another $1,500 cash for each of the four years on the contract for a total of $15,700 on top of wages and benefits.

A similar contract offer with Government Motors (GM) contained a $5,000 bonus and an unspecified profit-sharing plan for union employees based on North American profits. And GM employees make less hourly than Ford employees do according to the Associated Press.

The hourly wage in the GM contract will continue to go down.



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