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AMERICAN CRYSTAL LOCKOUT: Union supporters place leaflets in stores

by News on September 20, 2011

in Union Politics and Transparency

By Ryan Schuster/

Shoppers have begun to find leaflets supporting locked-out American Crystal Sugar Co. workers tucked next to the company’s products on local grocery store shelves.

The multi-color fliers are folded in half, carry the words “consumer alert” and proclaim that American Crystal Sugar is “killing the American Dream.” The handouts contain QR codes that can be scanned by smartphones and include a link directing readers to a page on the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union’s website.

Doug Driscoll, director of operations of the Hugo’s regional chain of supermarkets, said some customers have complained about the leaflets, which have been found at some Hugo’s stores. Driscoll said the papers are being placed between bags of American Crystal Sugar by union supporters, not store employees.

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