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Dundee Chrysler site workers authorize strike

by News on September 19, 2011

in State and Local, Union Contracting Privileges

By Bryce Hoffman/The Detroit News

Workers at Chrysler Group LLC’s Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance plant voted Sunday to authorize a strike ahead of scheduled local negotiations on a number of issues, including a controversial rotating shift schedule that was announced last week.

Nearly 99 percent of workers at the Dundee engine factory voted in favor of authorizing a strike, according to members of United Auto Workers Local 723, which represents them. They said the unorthodox schedule — which requires them to work days one week, nights the next — was the main reason for the strong support for the strike authorization.

“That’s the No. 1 thing people want to see change: getting that shift eliminated,” said worker Todd Favreau.

Others agreed.

From The Detroit News:

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