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GOP senator ‘mad as hell’ at NLRB, rallies colleagues to demand action

by News on September 15, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

By Nicholas Ballasy/The Daily Caller

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is “mad as hell” over the National Labor Relations Board’s complaint against The Boeing Company and has rallied a group of GOP senators to demand that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Barack Obama support legislation that would prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future.

“The NLRB is not deciding disputes between labor and business, they’re trying to veto business decisions and take a political agenda and run with it,” Graham said at a Wednesday press conference at the Capitol. “They’re trying to impose on us work rules, changing the way you vote on a union because they can’t get it through the Congress and that’s why I’m mad as hell. You know, I respect the law but this is the law run amok.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/14/gop-senator-%e2%80%98mad-as-hell%e2


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