American Jobs Act

Government meddling won’t create jobs

by Trey Kovacs on November 22, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

Carrying Water for Obama, Hilda Solis Picks a Fight with the Tea Party

by News on October 31, 2011

in Surveys and Reports, Union Politics and Transparency

What’s Driving Dem Strategy? 21 Million Government Workers

by News on October 20, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Government Employee Unions

Jobs Bill No Better in Small Bites

by News on October 20, 2011

in Federal Legislation

The Unemployment Discrimination Myth

by Iain Murray on October 18, 2011

in Federal Legislation

New Obama metric: “Jobs supported”

by News on October 14, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Government Employee Unions, Union Politics and Transparency

Obama’s Jobs Bill Hits Wall in Senate

by News on October 12, 2011

in Federal Legislation

Today’s congressional hearing spotlights true administration position on jobs

by Brett McMahon on October 12, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Union Politics and Transparency

Obama faces jobs bill roadblock in Congress

by News on October 12, 2011

in Federal Legislation, Union Contracting Privileges

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