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Richardville’s Freedom to Teach initiative is a step in the right direction, but doesn’t go far enough, says Freedom to Work spokesman

Michigan Freedom to Work

Press Release

Contact:  Terry Bowman,

Terry Bowman, a founding member and spokesman for the Michigan Freedom to Work Coalition is calling recent support by Michigan’s senate majority leader Randy Richardville (17th district) to bring “Freedom to Teach” legislation to Michigan as “very encouraging, but only a step in the right direction.”

Richardville is supporting “Freedom to Teach” legislation which would recognize the right of teachers to refrain from joining or financially supporting a union as a condition of employment.

click here for Richardville’s announcement

Bowman, a UAW member, says he is happy to see the senator agreeing with the concept of Right to Work, but thinks he is missing an opportunity to become a state-wide hero in Michigan.  “Obviously Sen. Richardville has embraced the reality that a Right to Work law cures the civil rights violations which compulsory unionism forces on workers around the state.  He clearly believes that Right to Work legislation economically benefits both the State of Michigan and union workers.  Since that is true, why wouldn’t he support Right to Work legislation for all union workers in Michigan?  Those same benefits should be extended to all of Michigan’s union workers, public and private, because they deserve equal respect and equal rights.”

Bowman addressed these issues while speaking to the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus in Ypsilanti on Friday night.   “The Michigan Freedom to Work Coalition has dedicated itself to fighting for freedom for all union workers, not just to one specific group.  We have constructed a state-wide grassroots support system of thousands of activists for Freedom to Work legislation, and we invite the senate majority leader to join with us and support Freedom to Work rights for ALL union workers.”

“Since Michigan Freedom to Work Coalition has been so successful, we think Sen. Richardville is calling his own legislation – Freedom to Teach – so close to ours in order to appear as if there is already support for his bill in place.  There is not.  Michigan Freedom to Work is not interested in showing favoritism to some union workers, while rejecting others.  We want all union workers to enjoy the same freedoms.”

Michigan Freedom to Work formed just this year, and has already become the chief voice in Michigan for the passage of Right to Work legislation.  There is already wide support in both Michigan houses for the Freedom to Work Coalition and Bowman promised that his group will accept nothing less than a Freedom to Work law that includes every union worker in the state of Michigan.  “The idea of picking winners and losers through legislation is wrong for all residents in Michigan.  Clearly, Sen. Richardville has chosen teachers as the only union workers worthy of Right to Work legislation.”

“Freedom to Teach” unfortunately does nothing to bring additional industry or jobs to Michigan.  “Passing a Freedom to Work law for all union employees however, will do for Michigan what it has done for other states that have done the same.  Both Idaho and Oklahoma, the last two states to become Labor Freedom states, led the nation in job growth the following year after passage.  The senate majority leader should change his mind and instead become a state-wide leader in this issue so he can put that feather in his cap.”


Michigan Freedom to Work Coalition was formed in 2011 and additional information can be found at:
